The Emerson Ecologics Product Catalog was an annual publication of the current brands and products offered on the Emerson and Wellevate platforms.
My role with this project was all-encompassing and went far beyond my normal scope of work:
• Project management
• Trafficking and scheduling
• Organization of internal and external ads
• Organization of 18,000+ products
• Catalog design and layout
• Quality control
• Coordination and communication with printing and shipping
The HIPAA-compliant telehealth capability was a feature developed for the Wellevate app during the Covid pandemic. This free service allowed practitioners to stay connected to patients with video conferencing without having to download additional software or apps.
As the lead designer for this campaign, I managed the creative concept, supporting assets, and writing/building the how-to ebook for patients and practitioners.
• Social
• Handout
Labs was a feature of the Wellevate platform for practitioners to order, review, share, and manage diagnostic test results with their patients.
• eBook